CRAN’s Micro-Enterprises Development Programme (MEDP)

MEDP entails the promotion of small and village micro-enterprises through the combination of appropriate technologies, entrepreneurial training and microfinance towards rural poverty alleviation as well as wealth creation.

Thus, the MEDP design and implementation strategy involves the combination of the following in a package targeted at sustained production at the village level:

  • Training for self-employable and entrepreneurial skills acquisition and development;
  • Facilitating access to appropriate rural technologies and technology transfer, and
  • Facilitating access to rural finance through microcredits extension and management.
  • Facilitating access to markets for rural producers.

Latest update:

CRAN developed a farmer based small-scale irrigation project (two dams) to facilitate all year-round cultivation of rice in the Council Rice Valley in the Hohoe district.

Also, CRAN took advantage to start a fish farm project in the irrigation facility

Launch-CRAN Apprenticeship Project (CAP)